Table of Contents
A Very Minor Prophet: A Novel Excerpt
James Bernard Frost
A Long Time To Be Gone
Ellen Prentiss Campbell
In Love With Louise
David Hicks
Editor’s Note: The Particulars
John Carr Walker
What Art Means When It’s Gone
Nicol Stavlas
Bare Bones: In Praise of Bulletin Boards
Katey Schultz
Image Gallery
Kreh Mellick
Trachodon 4 features writing by engaging contemporary authors. In A Very Minor Prophet, an excerpt from the novel by the same name, author James Bernard Frost takes us into the strange, heart-rending world of a zine-making prophet in Portland, Oregon. Ellen Prentiss Campbell explores the grief of a mother who’s lost her child--and blames herself--in “A Long Time To Be Gone.” “In Love With Louise,” a short story by David Hicks, introduces us to Trent, a character warped by love and loneliness. Nicol Stavlas takes a clear-eyed look at public art in Bloomington, Indiana, and asks the hard questions about ownership, provincialism, and artistic values in “What Art Means When It’s Gone.” Visual artist Kreh Mellick contributes a trio of gouache paintings created during her time as visiting artist at the Oregon College of Art and Craft.